Pomona New York – Named for Its Foliage

Pomona New York – Named for Its Foliage

In 1967, actor, writer, and director, Burgess Meredith, helped to spearhead the incorporation of the village of Pomona by providing its seed money. Located within Ramapo and Haverstraw, its namesake was taken from the Roman goddess of fruit trees and orchards.

The area’s denizens are relatively young, with the median age being just 38.5 years. The median income Is $122,861, almost double that for the state average. Half its residents have a bachelor’s degree or higher and most travel just a half an hour to work.

A bedroom community, Pomona is 35 miles away from Manhattan and provides a desirable environment to raise a family. It has welcomed some development in the form of office buildings and retail centers but largely remains a sleepy town with quaint homes and sprawling acreage.


A total of 3,103 people live in Pomona, New York, and these are distributed amongst 1,011 households. A total of 863 families exist in the area, and these are dispersed at the rate of 1,292 people, on average, per square mile.

1,054 housing units house the population, and 32% of these have children under the age of 18 living therein, and over 75% are married couples. 6% have a single female householder, and 14% are made up of individuals who are not related to one another. 10% are people living alone, and 3% are over the age of 65. The average family and household contains 3 people.

Real Estate

The median value for a home in Pomona, New York is $550,700. This figure reflects an increase of 3.8% over the past year, and it is predicted to raise another 1.3% over the course of this year. Each square foot is valued at $245 on average. There are currently 95 homes for sale, and the average listing price is $316,718 with a median 110 days on the market before selling.

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Photo Courtesy of Pexels

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