
Briarcliff – A Residential Village

Briarcliff – A Residential Village

Briarcliff is a village in Westchester county that boasts a vibrant art community and a historical society that oversees parades, commemoration events, and guided tours. From the station in Scarborough, it takes approximately 45 minutes to reach Grand Central Station in New York City, giving commuters access to plentiful jobs and resources with which to support their families.

Briarcliff itself is noncommercial, and 99% of its buildings are for housing, with 80% of lots zoned as residential. Just 5% of the available land is used by businesses, and the village has three distinct areas available for retail shopping, office buildings, and laboratories. In addition, there are eateries, shops, and markets for people to enjoy.

The local economy thrives on jobs related to education, social work, and health care, and Briarcliff has plentiful parks with access to beautiful lakes, sports, and trails and hiking.


8,215 people live within Briarcliff, and these are distributed within 2,647 households. 2,037 families live in a total of 2,753 homes, and of these 40% have children younger than 18 living with them. 68% are married couples, and 23% are people who are not related to one another.

6% of households have a single female head and 2% of such situations are male. 14% of these consist of someone above the age of 65, and the average family size is 3.5. The median age is just 43 years old.

Real Estate

The median price per square foot for homes in Briarcliff, New York is $291, and the median listing price is $799,000. There are currently 69 houses available to purchase, and the average property spends 34 days on the market before it sells. The average sale price is 97.8% of the asking price with an average down payment of 19%. 8 homes sold last month.

Sokol Group exists to help homeowners whose tax assessments are too high to initiate the property tax grievance process. We serve residents living in Westchester, Orange, and Rockland counties as well as those residing in the Hudson Valley. Reach out to us for more information on how we can be of service to you.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia – Scarborough Park

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