New Castle, New York – Hamlets and a Village

New Castle, New York – Hamlets and a Village

New Castle, New York is made up of several hamlets, including Chappaqua and Millwood, and a village, Mount Kisco. It is known for being the first large-scale suburb in the world, and it is close to several major interstate highway systems.

The area is home to the headquarters for several major corporations, and it has the distinction of landing on CNN’s list of 25 top-earning towns. Its neighborhoods have a quiet appeal, and residents have easy access to wetlands, hiking and jogging trails, golf courses, tennis courts, swimming pools, public parks, and soccer fields.


New Castle is a rather close-knit community with 17,491 people living in 5,732 households and 754 people living per each square mile. About half of all households have children under 18 years of age residing therein, and a full 79% of households are comprised of married couples.

The per capita income for New Castle is $73,888, with families bringing in $174,579 and the average for a household is $159,691. Just 3.5% of the region’s population exists below the poverty line.

Real Estate Information

The average sale price for a home in New Castle is $657,032, and the average home will sit on the real estate market for 93 days before it sells. The median sale price is $540,000, and the average price per square foot is $286. The average home will reduce its price by 1.7%, and the average yearly property tax due is $51,238.

New Castle, New York, located in Westchester County,  holds the unenviable position of being one of the nation’s highest taxed areas, with homeowners paying an average of 7.8% percent of their property’s value in annual taxes.

If you feel your taxes are too high, you can contact Sokol Group to renegotiate a lower tax bill for you. Sokol Group specializes in property tax grievance and has experience serving the areas of Rockland, the Hudson Valley, and Orange and Westchester counties. Sokol Group has successfully secured lower taxes for hundreds of clients.

Photo Courtesy of Pexels

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