Town of Rye, New York – A Tranquil Part of the World

Town of Rye, New York – A Tranquil Part of the World


Rye Town is a quaint, quiet part of New York that should not be confused with the city of Rye, Rye Brook, or even Rye Neck. It is located in Westchester, New York and is separate from the other areas, though it does border Rye, New York, and Rye Brook is a village located within the town of Rye.

Rye Town features the only government-owned theme park, Rye Playland, whose waterfront attractions bring thousands of visitors. The park was built in 1928 and features rides that are famous and well beloved. Rye Town is only 40 minutes from Grand Central and is an easy distance to travel by Metro.


Rye town is comprised of 7.35 square miles, and it borders Port Chester and Rye Brook. There are 43,880 people living in 15,389 households, 10,818 of which are comprised of families. There are an average of 6,298 people living in each square mile, with 15,814 housing units existing in each square mile on average.

33.6% of households have children below the age of 18, and 54.1% of home are made up of married couples. Non-families living together are in 29.7% of homes, and 24.3% contain a single individual. 10.3% of properties were dwelled in by someone 65 or older living alone. The average size of families in Rye Town is 3.31, and the average household has 2.82 people.

 Real Estate

The median value for a home in Rye Town is assessed at $622,172, and the average home is valued at $662,897. There are currently 1,194 vacant housing units, and the population is projected to grow by .53% over the course of 2019. Median income is also estimated to increase by 2.16% this year.

Residents living in Westchester county pay some of the highest taxes in the United States. If you feel you are being overcharged, contact Sokol Group to begin the property tax grievance process. Serving Rockland, Orange, and Westchester countries and the Hudson Valley, Sokol Group has successfully negotiated a lower tax bill for hundreds of clients, and Sokol Group looks forward to working with you.

Photo Courtesy of Pexels

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