
Pelham Manor, New York – A Village Of Young People

Pelham Manor, New York – A Village Of Young People

Pelham Manor is located in Westchester County and is a village situated within the town of Pelham. It is a relatively young locale, as its residents’ median age is just 39.6 years. People who live in Pelham Manor earn $87,968 per capita and enjoy a median household income of $159,491.

Professionals working in Pelham Manor have access to a variety of industries, as 17% are employed in the sciences and technical services, 14% in finance, 11% in education, 11% in healthcare and 5% in real estate. Students can choose from a number of colleges, such as Fordham University, Iona College, and others, and commuters can ride the train or bus to work.


5,466 people live within Pelham Manor, and these are dispersed among 1,862 households. 1,504 families reside in the area at an average density of 4,121 people per square mile. 43% of people have children younger than 18, and 71% are married couples.

19% of homes are occupied by people who are not related to each other, and 17% of people live alone. In 7% of cases, these are single females as head of household, and 8% are someone above the age of 65.

Real Estate

Pelham Manor currently has 26 homes for sale, and the median listing is valued at $990,000 or $316 per square foot. Homes will sell, on average, for 95.2% of the asking price after receiving just one offer. 5 homes sold in the previous month, and the average property will stay on the market for 105 days before it sells.

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Photo courtesy of Pexels

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