
Livability Ratings In New Rochelle

Livability Ratings In New Rochelle



January 18, 2022

New Rochelle has an excellent livability score of 71, and this is based on 7 factors: amenities, cost of living, crime, employment, housing, schools, and user ratings. Scoring an A + in amenities, this is because residents have access to a number of doctors, dentists, and specialists within a short range, and there are a variety of eateries and shopping experiences to choose from.

The cost of living is high, ranked at 59% greater than the United States average and 34% more than that of New York. Crime rates are 39% lower than the New York average at 1,089 incidents per 100,000 people, 54% less than the national average. Chances of being a crime victim are 1 in 92, and this rate has remained stable over the past 12 months.

The median household income is 32% higher than the U.S. average at $73,178, and real estate prices are 91% higher for all of New York while rental prices are 19% higher. The population is 79,299 with a median age of just 38.9 years, and 45% of people have children. 43% of residents have a bachelor’s degree, 22% have completed a master’s, 8% hold a professional degree, and 2% hold a doctorate.

The median home value is $545,700, 195% higher than the rest of the country with a homeownership figure of 50%. 81% of people graduate from high school with grades 15% above national scores. New Rochelle High School is the top school in the city and has 90% proficiency in mathematics and language, 59% greater higher than the state average. The student to teacher ratio is just twenty to one and features an AP program. The area has a total of 12 public schools, 12 private institutions, and 3 post-secondary academies, and these, combined, rank 15% better than the national average in testing.

New Rochelle is considered family friendly, has quiet streets at night, is pet friendly with lots of parks and quick access to public transit. It has a strong sense of community, friendly neighbors, and people can easily walk to many of the local attractions.

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